Monday 5 March 2018

#oneweek100people2018 : Day One

OK - it works like this. If you divide the 100 people between 5 days, that means that you need to aim for an average of 20 each day. Well, I knew that I wasn't going to get 20 figures done in school - I'm amazed that I managed the 12 that I did. The others were all sketches I've made at home today, based on photos, magazines etc.

Now, strictly speaking, only the first 12 are really urban sketches, but nonetheless, I think 27 is a good start, especially if I do a few more this evening. You never know, at this rate I may even be able to take Friday off.

Catching Up . . .

Been a while, hasn't it?  Don't worry, I haven't given up sketching. No, I just haven't got round to posting anything. Now, ...