Sunday 15 April 2018

One Sketch #21) Baby Alfie's bear mat

Right, this is a little bit of a change of pace after all the excitement of the Kaunas sketchpedition. I have 3 grandchildren, and the youngest one, 7 week old Alfie, is spending the night with my wife and me for the first time. I sketched this when we set it up just before he arrived. It's a large, soft, furry mat in the shape of a fat, flat teddy bear, with dangly bunnies and things suspended overhead. He loves it. I'll be honest, I can see the appeal, and wouldn't mind if I was small enough to fit in it myself.

Young man
You'll not stay this way
I know
You'll grow
And learn
And all too soon
Become what you will be.
We'll see
How you will change
But all the same
Stay perfect, as you be.
For perfect's what you are
To me.

Sketchbook Revival

I've just been over to Liz Steel's blog, and seen this free online course offered - called Sketchbook Revival. I followed this link, and signed up. You might want to check it out yourself.

Sketchbook Revival Sign up

Catching Up . . .

Been a while, hasn't it?  Don't worry, I haven't given up sketching. No, I just haven't got round to posting anything. Now, ...