Sunday 24 March 2019

One Sketch 364) Jo the Crossing Sweeper from "Bleak House"

Sometimes we should just
Thank God we live now
Not then.

I mentioned in the previous post that I haven't liked any of the recent Sketching Every Day prompts - well, not so much not liked, but just not felt inspired enough. SO this morning I returned to a couple of old favourites - Victorian engravings, and Charles Dickens. "Bleak House", which doesn't seem to enjoy the same popularity as Copperfield and Expectations, is actually a masterpiece as well.

One Sketch 363) Saturday 23rd March - Toucan

When it comes down to sketching , well who can
Copy what I have sketched? You can!
So pick up your pen
Again and again
How many can play this game? Two can!

It's a pun, geddit! In this last run along the home straight of my year long challenge I find that in just these last few days I don't fancy any of the prompts on Sketching Every Day. SO I decided on a whacky kind of bird, and, should you pardon the pun again, the toucan really fits the bill, or vice versa. This was one of my quickest sketches for ages - didn't take more than about 10 minutes. What's that you say, looks like it? Bloody cheek!

One Sketch 362) Friday 22nd March - HMS Victory in Dry Dock

Sleep sound, oak warrior
Your day is done
But your twilight
Is magnificent

Not sure why I made a sketch of HMS Victory in dry dock in Portsmouth Harbour. Well, you gotta sketch something, I suppose.

Catching Up . . .

Been a while, hasn't it?  Don't worry, I haven't given up sketching. No, I just haven't got round to posting anything. Now, ...