Saturday 23 June 2018

#DirectWatercolor2018 - paintings 27-29

27 - Walking on the Moon
28 - main entrance of Swansea Waterfront museum

29 - Swansea Marina Pump House Restaurant

One Sketch #90 #30x30DirectWatercolour2018 Swansea Marina

I'm blue,
Dabadee dabadoo
So are you, you and you
(in this sketch anyway)

This is a momentous picture - not so much because of any inherent quality, but because it is the 30th direct watercolour I've made in June, which means I passed the 30x30 challenge! Yeah! I had about 20 minutes of the South Wales Urban Sketchers Group sketchcrawl in Swansea Marina today, and just suddenly hit upon the idea of making this sketch of the tug Canning and surroundings in shades of blue. I think it was a serendipidous choice - I rather like this.

Catching Up . . .

Been a while, hasn't it?  Don't worry, I haven't given up sketching. No, I just haven't got round to posting anything. Now, ...