Wednesday 28 March 2018

One Sketch - Day Three - Hero the Cat

So, I come in from work on the penultimate day before the Easter break, and both of my cats are in the front room, sitting in the sunshine. Now, one cat loves me and will do almost anything to ingratiate himself with me. For the other, though, I am nothing more than a purveyor of food. I sit down for five minutes, and he looks down his white nose at me, staring at me with a look that says - so you're going to sit there all afternoon, are you? - Never mind that I have been on the go for 9 hours with at most a ten minute break in between, and that my poor feet are absolutely aching, and that I'm also starving hungry myself. Hero stares at me, begrudging me every second of repose. So I get my revenge by sketching him here: -
and writing this verse, which I am sure is what is going through his head: -

I laze around the live long day
And with your cares I'll take no truck.
Monarch, I, of all you survey
- So go and get my tea, you schmuck.

Catching Up . . .

Been a while, hasn't it?  Don't worry, I haven't given up sketching. No, I just haven't got round to posting anything. Now, ...