Saturday 19 January 2019

One Sketch 300 (THREE HUNDRED!) - Murcia Cathedral

We've come so far
Well, what d'you know?
300 down
And 65 to go.

The prompt on Sketching Every Day was - I was here -. Well, this is Murcia Cathedral, and I actually was here, back in August. You may even recall me posting pictures sketched on my day out in Murcia back at the time.

How about that then? 300 days! I'm really happy about it, especially since that second hundred, since that second hundred, between July and October, seemed to take forever, while this third hundred seems to have gone much more quickly. I'm tempted to start discussing now what Effect I think it's had on me that I've made at least one sketch of some kind every day for 300 days in a row, but that would be premature, and it can wait until the end of March when I will complete the challenge, providing that I can keep it up for 65 more days.

One Sketch 299) (Friday 18th January) Photo Portrait Prompt

Look at my face
And see the beauty
of the commonplace.

This does exactly what it says on the tin. The prompt for yesterday was to copy one of a number of photographs provided on the site. I like the photo of this chap, and since it's a wee while since I tried to paint any kind of portrait I thought I'd have a go. Not too bad.

Catching Up . . .

Been a while, hasn't it?  Don't worry, I haven't given up sketching. No, I just haven't got round to posting anything. Now, ...