Friday 16 November 2018

One Sketch 236) Bob Cratchit Christmas Card

How strange to think
A man who died a century and a half ago
Made Christmas what it is

Well, forgiveable hyperbole. Charles Dickens, who died in 1870, gave us "A Christmas Carol" probably did as much to create the traditional ideal of Christmas as any other person.

One Sketch 235) Baby Pug (Thursday 15th November)

Ladies and gents
I give you
A living oxymoron
- Ugly but cute.

Just a matter of personal opinion, of course. I didn't have a lot of time, and so dashed this off fairly quickly. 

One Sketch 234 (Weds 14th November) Christmas Card

The season just makes us feel young
So songs through the ages have sung
The fat cat has said
He'll pull on the sled
He's probably after a bung.

No idea who sketched this one originally, I just liked it. I made this during Artists' Group on Wednesday evening.

One Sketch 233) (Tuesday 13th November) John Tenniel Christmas Card

Santa s trying to skate
He seems to be tempting his fate
He's dazed and confused
He's been at the booze
He'll end in a hell of a state

Another 2018 Christmas card based on a cartoon by my favourite British Victorian cartoonist, Sir John Tenniel. Tenniel always drew a very English Father Christmas - absolutely not Santa Claus - with holly around his pointy hat, and seemingly a little the worse for strong drink.

Catching Up . . .

Been a while, hasn't it?  Don't worry, I haven't given up sketching. No, I just haven't got round to posting anything. Now, ...