Monday 8 October 2018

One Sketch 197) #inktober2018 Prompt - Star

(To the tune of the Robin Hood theme)
Norrin Rad, Norrin Rad,
Riding through the stars,
Norrin Rad, Norrin Rad
Never goes in bars

Well, I don't recall him ever doing so in the comics. If you're not an aficionado, Norrin Rad was the Surfer's name before he became Galactus' herald. Long story. I first encountered the Silver Surfer when Marvel started reprinting American comics from the 60s in the UK in the mid 70s. I was a fan of Mighty World Of Marvel which featured the Hulk in the lead story, Daredevil in the middle story, and Fantastic Four in the third. The Surfer made his debut in a Fantastic Four serial. If I recall correctly.

Catching Up . . .

Been a while, hasn't it?  Don't worry, I haven't given up sketching. No, I just haven't got round to posting anything. Now, ...