Saturday 31 March 2018

One sketch #6 Porthcawl

I set off in hope rather than expectation today. It struck me first thing this morning that I have never yet sketched in Porthcawl, which is the nearest genuine seaside resort town to home. This is what I came up with:-
The Grand Pavilion, on the left of the sketch, is probably Porthcawl's most renowned building. Some of its architecture reminds me of the old Wembley Stadium, which is hardly surprising since they were pretty much contemporaries from the Art Deco period.

I didn't previously know the sculpture on the right, but I recognised it as the work of Sebastien Boyesen straightaway. The semi circular base is reminiscent of his 'mortal coil' which stands in the centre of Port Talbot where I live.

Difficult coming up with a verse, but this whimsical nonsense occurred to me:-

Seahorse, seahorse, don't you stop
Just let your flippers go flippety flop
Got no back legs, got no hips
Think I'd rather cod and chips.

Look, I never claimed to be Shakespeare, did I?

Catching Up . . .

Been a while, hasn't it?  Don't worry, I haven't given up sketching. No, I just haven't got round to posting anything. Now, ...