Friday 9 March 2018

#oneweek100people2018 Day Five - Reflections on the whole experience

I am a cynical old so and so at times. So when I see even great sketchers whom I totally respect making claims such as – try the 100 People One Week Challenge and you’ll find that you really improve as the week goes on – then I tend to take it with a pinch of salt. Well, a pinch of salt will be handy for seasoning the slice of humble pie I’m going to be eating, because, well, because looking over the week, I have to say that I think it’s true.  

In terms of statistics, on the 5th, day one, I sketched 27 figures. On day two, I misnumbered my sketches. I thought that I’d sketched 23 to take it up to 50, but on a recount I found I’d actually sketched 24 to take it to 51. On day 3 I sketched 20 to take it up to 71. Then on day four I sketched 30 to take me past the target. Today I took it a little easier as this is just for fun, and added another 13 figures. 

So how have I improved? Well, actually, I’d say that it’s not for me to say that I’ve improved as such. That’s for other people to judge. But things have happened. I feel I’ve loosened up with my sketching. I also feel that I can work a lot more quickly than I could at the start of the week. For example, let me compare my two self portraits. This one I made on Monday: -  

Now, it’s in biro, which is not my favourite medium, but was what I had to hand at the time. It was also based on a photograph I took with my work computer. It took about 20 minutes. Compare it with this self portrait I made on Thursday: - 
Now, you’ll have to take my word that this is actually far more like me. Again, admittedly I was using a sketching pen which I prefer. This time however I used the camera on the computer so that the computer was like a mirror, and I was therefore far closer to sketching myself from life than from a photograph. Look, I’d had a hard day. This one took no more than 10 minutes, though, and to me , is a better sketch.

Here's today's figures

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Catching Up . . .

Been a while, hasn't it?  Don't worry, I haven't given up sketching. No, I just haven't got round to posting anything. Now, ...