Sunday 8 April 2018

One Sketch #14 2000 Forints

Right, this came about because I'm off on my travels in a couple of days. - Ah - say you, seeing that I have sketched part of a 2000 forint note - the must mean you're off to Hungary! - . You'd think so, wouldn't you, if you know your currencies. However that's not the case. For the fact is that Hungary was the last place I visited in Europe, back at the start of November.

Here's the sketch: -
This is how it works. I've been trying to tie up some loose ends today, sorting out airport parking and what have you. One of the tasks I set myself was clearing out my rucksack. Lo and behold, this 2000 forint note was lurking in a side pocket. I suppose that I might have put it there for an emergency - although it would have had to be a cheap emergency, since 2000 forints is about £5.50

Well, there we are. I'm actually off to Kaunas this week, and I'm really rather looking forward to it. I paid three visits to central European cities in 2017 - Prague, Berlin and Budapest, and I enjoyed all of them. So going a little bit further North and East is rather exciting to me. Of course, Lithuania's currency is the Euro which makes life a bit easier. It also means that anything I don't spend will be kept for my next trip, or for Mary's next visit to her mother in Spain.

Well, there we are. That's week 2 done. Yay. Halfway to one month. What's that? Where's the verse? Oh very well, if you must. I will admit that I did a little research for this one, finding out that the chap on the note is Bethlen Gabor, former Prince of Transylvania . . .

Impassive figure on my note,
Were you just a sad old goat?
Did you suffer from some mania
Being Prince of Transylvania?

Apparently not, as he did much to develop his country - well, they wouldn't put an absolute rotter on a note, would they?

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Catching Up . . .

Been a while, hasn't it?  Don't worry, I haven't given up sketching. No, I just haven't got round to posting anything. Now, ...