Saturday 14 April 2018

One Sketch #16 Bristol Airport (Tuesday 10th)

D'Oh. I've just realised that the rucksack sketch I posted on Tuesday was actually made on Monday, and only posted on Tuesday. This has put me out of sync - the Bridge sketch posted yesterday was made on Wednesday. Therefore here's one of three sketches I made in Bristol Airport waiting for my flight on Tuesday. I shall renumber the Bridge one when I've posted this.

This could have been quite difficult. I'm sure that the beardy guy on the left was aware that I was sketching him and his friends, and it turned out that they were on the same flight as me. I was driven to sketching by boredom and frustration, since my flight was subject to a typical Ryanair one hour delay.

A sea of disgruntlement
Or an oasis of anticipation?
Some going here
Others there.
Nobody wants to stay.

* To see ALL of my Kaunas Sketches , use the link on the right to visit my sister blog, Sketching Around Europe

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Catching Up . . .

Been a while, hasn't it?  Don't worry, I haven't given up sketching. No, I just haven't got round to posting anything. Now, ...