Sunday 12 August 2018

Wednesday 8th August - One Sketch #136) Palacio Cristal

I'm risking the raising of groans
By saying, in serious tones
That men and that mouses
Who live in glass houses
Should really just never throw stones

Sorry about that. Last full day in Madrid, and one of the day's highlights was a visit to the huge Buen Retiro Parque in Madrid. It's so big it has several buildings inside it, and my favourite was this, the Palacio Cristal - that's Crystal Palace. Like it's London namesake it was erected for an International Exposition. Unlike the London original this one , although built so that it could be dismantled and moved elsewhere, it never was. Here's the rest of the day's sketches :-

On this, the last full day, I did manage to find what I think is Madrid's signature bridge. This is the Puenta de Toledo, and it's actually much nicer than I've made it look in this picture.Shame there's not much river passing beneath it at this time of year.

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Catching Up . . .

Been a while, hasn't it?  Don't worry, I haven't given up sketching. No, I just haven't got round to posting anything. Now, ...